Prozap Mole & Gopher Pelleted Bait
Warne Chemical and Equipment supplies only the highest of quality pesticides
* Prozap Pelleted Bait kills moles and gophers where they live, direct baiting to underground burrows, tunnels, and mounds
* Results occur within hours from the Zinc Phosphide active ingredient. It is a powerful processed acute rodenticide grain, that are irresistible to rodents
* Excellent Elimination, Control, and Prevention of the following rodents:
Moles and Pocket Gophers
* Use Sites: Directly INTO Mole and Pocket Gopher Burrow Systems
*Extremely toxic to birds, fish and other wildlife. Wildlife feeding on treated bait may be killed.
*Dogs, cats, and other predatory and scavenging mammals and birds might be poisoned if they feed upon animals that have eaten this bait or eat the bait themselves
*Do NOT apply directly to water.
* Bury dead moles and pocket gophers upon elimination, NO PETS near area
*Follow labeled instructions exactly for successful results